Studies & Reports
Arts and Recreation

Iowa Craft Brewing Economic Impact Study, 2015
The Economic Development Authority and The Iowa Wine & Beer Promotion Board hired SEG to document the economic impact of Iowa's rapidly growing craft brewing industry. It was a project that enabled us to interview brewers, to conduct an on-line survey of the developers of this new industry and to examine it's historical roots. You can view and download our 88 page Report or see the Summary or Slideshow.
Impact of a Youth Baseball Complex, 2012
A $38 million proposed youth baseball complex, built around the movie site of the "Field of Dreams", will eventually draw more than 1,800 participants and their families for week-long tournaments each summer. SEG examined the potential impact for the local chamber of commerce. View the study for the All-Star Ballpark Heaven coming soon to Dyersville, Iowa.

Iowa Farmers Market Economic Impact Study, 2010
The Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship and the USDA National Agriculture Statistics Service Iowa Field Office surveyed vendors and attendees at farmers markets across the state during the 2009 season. Dan Otto of Strategic Economics Group analyzed the data and prepared the economic impact report. View the Study
Impact of Off-Highway Vehicles in Iowa, 2008
This study examined the impact of off-highway vehicle recreational activites on the State of Iowa and provided the Iowa OHV Association with baseline statistics the on the value of their programs.
View the Study

Community Development

Robins, Iowa Futures Study, 2019
SEG was hired by the Robins Economic Development Initiative (REDI) to help the city plan for future development. SEG’s role involved helping conduct a community survey to which over 50 percent of households responded. In addition, SEG created a demographic and economic profile for the city, completed a city-wide housing study, and identified and analyzed commercial enterprises located in the city. Finally, to provide insights into the challenges Robins may face as it grows, four other similar Iowa suburban communities were studied and contacted to obtain information on how they are dealing with growth. View the report here. In addition, slide presentation 1 summarizes the demographic, economic, housing and business analyses and slide presentation 2 summarizes the comparisons to the four similar Iowa subsurbs.
Pella – Oskaloosa Street Market Analysis and Development Options
SEG assisted Iowa-based engineering firm Snyder & Associates in the analysis of development options for the Oskaloosa Street Corridor in Pella, Iowa. SEG’s role in the study involved the analysis of Pella’s local economy with a special emphasis on retail trade and service businesses. In addition, SEG prepared a detailed analysis of properties located in the corridor and identified potential development options. View the SEG Report here.

Bettendorf Market Analysis and Redevelopment Options, 2016
SEG assisted Iowa-based engineering firm Snyder & Associates prepare an analysis of the State Street and Grant Street Corridor in downtown Bettendorf, Iowa. Engineering firms rely on Strategic Economics Group to assist them on a diverse range of transportation studies eliminating the need to have a full-time economist on their payroll. View the SEG Report here.
Northwest River District Neighborhood Revitalization Plan, 2015
SEG provided economic and market analysis support for Northwest River District plan in Fort Dodge, Iowa prepared by Snyder & Associates. SEG provided an independent neighborhood market analysis providing demographics and economic profile of the district. The SEG report is available to view or download at here. The complete Revitalization Plan is available to view or download at here.

Iowa Upper Story Housing Feasibility Study, 2014
The Iowa Economic Development Authority commissioned SEG to undertake to study the feasibility of renovating the upper stories of downtown buildings in Iowa's non-metro communities. The purpose was to determine if would result in more rental opportunities in Iowa's smaller towns. The report is now available to view or download here.
Tax Impact of Two Alternative Mall Plans, 2011
The City of Coralville developed a mixed-use shopping center and presented with two alternative plans. At the request of General Growth Properties, owner of the Coral Ridge Mall, SEG examined the economic impact of each alternative. The report was provided to the client but has not been made available to the public.

Iowa Farmers Market Economic Impact Study, 2010
The Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship and the USDA National Agriculture Statistics Service Iowa Field Office surveyed vendors and attendees at farmers markets across the state during the 2009 season. Dan Otto of Strategic Economics Group analyzed the data and prepared the economic impact report. View the Study
Project Destiny: Des Moines Local Tax Proposal, 2007
SEG developed the projections of population, income and sales tax growth for the Greater Des Moines Partnership and their campaign to establish a three-county 'Yes to Destiny' local-option sales tax. The proposal failed to gain voter support, but the projections later proved to be on target.
View the Report

Proposed Dallas County Regional Airport, 2004
An alliance of community and businesses interests proposed constructing a new regional general aviation airport in Dallas County, Iowa. In conjunction with the Airport Master Plan and Site Selection Study,this economic impact study projected the aggregate impact against a range of alternative economic scenarios.
View the Study
Public Investment ROI: The Iowa Values Fund Model, 2003
The Iowa Department of Economic Development asked SEG to create a team and build a model that would estimate the future impact of public sector investment in economic development projects. With a task force of eight top economists, we built a ground-breaking model which the State has been using to evaluate all of their public sector investments over the past nine years.

Principal Home Mortgage Lending Compliance Tool, 2001
The Principal Financial Group was a major player in the retail home mortgage business. In order to protect the company from any potential claims of pricing discrimination in the 60,000+ mortgages they issued each quarter, they commissioned us to build model to identify possible abnormal pricing. For more information about that model or the processes we used, contact us.
Economic Impact of St. Ambrose University, 2013
Quad-Cities based St. Ambrose University serves western Iowa and eastern Illinois with a high quality liberal arts and business-oriented education. In 2013, we prepared a study of the impact of the University on their community. The University enrollment has grown substantially during the past decade and we expect to see that trend continue. View Impact Study

Economic Impact of Grand View University, 2010
Des Moines based Grand View University serves the metro marketplace with a unique mix of liberal arts and business-driven niche education. In 2010, we prepared a study of the impact the University on Central Iowa today and in the future. The University has grown substantially over the past decade and we examined its current impact and it outlook through 2015. View the Study
Economic Impact of Drake University, 2009
This study was released in May 2008 to kick off Drake University's major 2009 alumni giving campaign. It documented the benefits and the impact of the University on the economy of Central Iowa during 2007.
View the Study

Early College Opportunity Program in Iowa, 2008
This study, commissioned by the presidents of the state's 15 community colleges, examined the benefits and impact of high school concurrent enrollment programs in Iowa. The study prompted both the Legislature and the Governor to increase funding for the program. View the Study
Iowa Student Loan Corporation on Iowa, 2007
In addition to providing counselling services and loan subsidies, the Iowa Student Loan Liquidity Corporation provides a secondary market for student loans. This study analyzed the impact which this non-profit firm had on students, their families and the State of Iowa during the 2005-06 academic year.
View the Study


Economic and Fiscal Impacts of the Dakota Access Pipeline, 2014
Dakota Access, LLC commissioned us to do an independent examination of the economic and fiscal impacts of their proposed oil pipeline. The $3.8 Billion four-state project will include about 1,134 miles of pipeline. View our Fact Sheets to see what the state-level economic and fiscal impact will be on North Dakota, South Dakota, Iowa and Illinois. View the Regional Fact Sheet, or the complete Report here.
Economic Impact of ITC Midwest High Power Lines in Iowa, 2013
Since 2008, ITC Midwest, now a division of Canadian-based Fortis, has purchased and maintained more than $1.3 billion dollars worth of high power Iowa electric transmission lines, connecting the State to the national power grid. In 2013, Strategic Economics Group documented the economic impact this has had on Iowa. The work was completed in 2014 and is being used in company documents. SEG also prepared a study on the projected impact of two new projects for ITC Midwest. That study was included in ITC's filing with the Iowa Utility Board in October 2014. View that report here.

Impact of Rural Electric Cooperatives in Iowa, 2010
Our 2010 impact study showed that Iowa's rural electric cooperatives generated $1.2 billion in spending and affected the jobs of nearly 8,000 Iowans. This report updated the studies we prepared for the industry in 2004 and again in 2007. You are invited to view or download all three of the reports below:
View 2004 Report View 2007 Report View 2010 Report
Entertainment and Gaming
Iowa Gaming Tax Impact Models, 2009, 2011, 2014 and 2016
The Iowa Gaming Association commissioned SEG to develop a computer model that projects the outlook for casinos in Iowa based on various tax and economic policy scenarios. In 2011, we revised the model to examine the effect of more radical tax changes. In 2014 and 2016, we updated the model to project farther into the future and include more policy scenarios. For more information about the model, contact us. To view a 2011 Report using the Model Click here.

Iowa Craft Brewing Economic Impact Study, 2015
The Economic Development Authority and The Iowa Wine & Beer Promotion Board hired SEG to document the economic impact of Iowa's rapidly growing craft brewing industry. It was a project that enabled us to interview brewers, to conduct an on-line survey of the developers of this new industry and to examine it's historical roots. You can view and download our 88 page Report or see the Summary or Slideshow.
Socioeconomic Impact of Gambling on Iowans, 2014
The Iowa Legislature authorized the Iowa Racing and Gaming Commission to undertake a study of the economic and social impacts of casino gambling in the State. SEG and our partner, Spectrum Gaming Group, were selected to conduct this study. The resulting 273 page report was released June 1, 2014 and is available here

Economic Impact of a Woodbury County, Iowa Casino, 2013
Penn National Gaming was one of three business groups competing to build and operate a new casino in Woodbury County. SEG was commissioned by Penn National to examine and compare the alternatives proposals. SEG prepared a series of reports analyzing the tax and economic impact of the four alternatives. To view the reports click here
Economic Impact of a Cedar Rapids Casino, 2013
A group of investors sought a license to build and operate a new casino in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. SEG was commissioned to examine the impact such a business would have on property values and retail sales in the surrounding area. The residents of Linn County passed the casino referendum, but the Iowa Racing and Gaming Commission voted not to issue a new license. Our report has not been made public.

Impact of a Youth Baseball Complex, 2012
A $38 million proposed youth baseball complex, built around the movie site of the "Field of Dreams", will eventually draw more than 1,800 participants and their families for week-long tournaments each summer. SEG examined the potential impact for the local chamber of commerce. View the study for the All-Star Ballpark Heaven coming soon to Dyersville, Iowa.
Impact of Off-Highway Vehicles in Iowa, 2008
This study examined the impact of off-highway vehicle recreational activites on the State of Iowa and provided the Iowa OHV Association with baseline statistics the on the value of their programs.
View the Study

Impact of the Iowa Casino Expansion Proposals, 2004
The Iowa Association of Business and Industry commissioned us to assist the Iowa Legislature by analyzing the impact of various alternative proposals for expanding the number of casinos in the State. The result was our ground-breaking study of trade area mapping in the casino industry.
View the Study
Promoting Local Cable Competition in Iowa, 2004
SEG was commissioned by Cedar Rapids telecommunications entrepreneur Clark McLeod to analyze the market for cable and high-speed internet services in Iowa communities. McLeod and others were interested in determining the pricing effect of local markets that lacked effective competition. Our study provided the justification for a municipal fiber optic utility initiatives. View our Study

An Analysis of a Proposed Increase in the Iowa Gaming Tax, 2002
The Iowa Gaming Association in 2002 commissioned us to study the economic consequences of proposed state legislation that would raise the tax on Iowa casinos and racetracks. This study was prepared in partnership with the Davenport-based accounting firm RSM McGladrey, Inc. View the Study
Transportation and Communication
Economic and Fiscal Impacts of the Dakota Access Pipeline, 2014
Dakota Access, LLC commissioned us to do an independent examination of the economic and fiscal impacts of their proposed oil pipeline. The $3.8 Billion four-state project will include about 1,134 miles of pipeline. View our Fact Sheets to see what the state-level economic and fiscal impact will be on North Dakota, South Dakota, Iowa and Illinois. View the Regional Fact Sheet, or the complete Report here.

Economic Impact of ITC Midwest High Power Lines in Iowa, 2013
Since 2008, ITC Midwest, now a division of Canadian-based Fortis, has purchased and maintained more than $1.3 billion dollars worth of high power Iowa electric transmission lines, connecting the State to the national power grid. In 2013, Strategic Economics Group documented the economic impact this has had on Iowa. The work was completed in 2014 and is being used in company documents. SEG also prepared a study on the projected impact of two new projects for ITC Midwest. and was included in ITC's 2014 filing with the Iowa Utility Board. View that report here.
Impact of Off-Highway Vehicles in Iowa, 2008
This study examined the impact of off-highway vehicle recreational activites on the State of Iowa and provided the Iowa OHV Association with baseline statistics the on the value of their programs.
View the Study here.

Proposed Dallas County Regional Airport, 2004
An alliance of community and businesses interests proposed constructing a new regional general aviation airport in Dallas County, Iowa. In conjunction with the Airport Master Plan and Site Selection Study,this economic impact study projected the aggregate impact against a range of alternative economic scenarios.
View the Study here.
Promoting Local Cable Competition in Iowa, 2004
SEG was commissioned by Cedar Rapids telecommunications entrepreneur Clark McLeod to analyze the market for cable and high-speed internet services in Iowa communities. McLeod and others were interested in determining the pricing effect of local markets that lacked effective competition. Our study provided the justification for a municipal fiber optic utility initiatives. View our Study here.


Medical Clinic Compensation Reviews, 2010
Catholic Health Initiatives, is faith-based national non-profit health corporation that that operates in 19 states and includes 75 hospitals; 40 long-term care, assisted- and residential-living facilities; and two community health-services organizations. Since 2005, SEG has helped develop management information systems them. For more information about the models we built, contact us.